Tuesday 1 September 2015

Track Review: Slayer - Cast The First Stone

Slayer just released a new track from their much awaited upcoming album Repentless (coming out on 11th September), called Cast The First Stone.

The heavy mid-tempo song is lyrically a war-cry about vengeance. Guitarist Kerry King told Rolling Stone that he got the idea for the song while walking around Athens, thinking about all the battles that had been fought there over the centuries.

Starting off with a slow ominous intro, the guitars break into an impressive chugging riff accompanied by the newly recruited Paul Bostaph's frantic drum rolls. Cast The First Stone is surprisingly drum-heavy throughout, with plenty of rapid double bass sections in the style of the band's former drummer Dave Lombardo.

The song's first solo is quite clearly played by Gary Holt and he's done a pretty good job, while Kerry follows his same old style of high-pitched chaotic noises.

Cast The First Stone, on the whole is a good song but is nowhere near Slayer's previous work. Late guitarist Jeff Hanneman's songwriting's absence can be strongly felt in the music and the brutality and intensity that Slayer is known for is somewhat missing.

Rating: 7/10

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